Thursday, March 12, 2009

Better late than never....

So this is a post that I meant to make a month ago, but somehow the older I get the faster time seems to flow. Not sure how I feel about that but I suppose that's just the way life goes. So on Feb 3rd this year the baby of our family turned 30 (see what I mean about the flying time???) so as a family we all decided to go up to his place in Clarkston (maybe that wasn't much of a present to have your home invaded by a mass of people :) ) and spend the weekend together. One of the things that we did was go to the elk farm that is up there. They grow hay during the warm months so that they can feed all of the elk that come down to winter over in this little bowl of a valley. People had told me that it was cold in Cache county but WOW that wind is BITING! Took our breath away but it was a beautiful day. Here are just a few of the pictures from our adventure.