It's been awhile since I've truly been inspired by what I see to want to photograph it, but over Memorial Weekend I was up at my brother Greg's home and there was something about the way the sunshine was shinning through the blossoms on the apple tree that just drew me outside with the camera. So I gathered up my two trusty companions, Jonsi and Magill, and set off on an adventure through the lens. At one time it really did turn into an adventure as I was determined to capture a honey bee, and after awhile one of them decided they had had enough, chasing me all the way back to the deck until he was satisfied that I was gone. Of course sneaky and determined soul that I am I headed right back to the tree (or rather a different tree because I didn't want to push my luck too much...) Some of the pictures turned out well I think, but mostly I enjoyed this last lushness of Spring knowing that in true Utah fashion it would be 100 degrees before I knew it...