Recently my Grandpa D made it to his 90th birthday. I can't even imagine having seen all the changes that he's seen in the world, or to be so active in life as he is (I already feel broken down sometimes and I haven't even seen 40 yet!) but to me that was quite an achievement. He's had a few close calls in his health, and in fact we had to cancel his original birthday party due to the fact that he was released from the hospital that day (nothing too horrible, just a flare up of a bleeding ulcer, but scary just the same). Instead we all got together two weeks later and had a giant party. It's always fun to me to have a big family event because it gives us all time to catch up with each others lives. We also invited Grandpa to share a few words about what has been important in life and how he's used these things in his life to reach these wise years. I can't remember how many of them there were, or the order that he spoke them, but there are three that stand out in my mind (good thing Uncle Mike was recording it all). The three that I remember were Family, Exercise, and Faith. Can't wait to get a copy of the tape so that I can hear his statement again because lets face it I was too busy snapping pictures and not paying attention :) Oops!
So the month of April was incredibly busy with trips out of town and then preparing for Grandpa's big 90th birthday bash. I ended up heading to Las Vegas for a girl trip with my mom and Leigh to celebrate my birthday. The week after that I found myself back there again to help out with my friend Nancy's kids while she and her husband were celebrating a friends birthday (apparently Vegas is the place to head for birthdays). I thought I'd post a few pictures from my birthday trip to Vegas just for fun so here you go. On the way down we stopped at the ghost town of Silver Reef so there are some shots from there too. We also got the chance to visit with my stepsister and her cute little ones...